My uncle told me about this site over the holidays that you can use to edit pictures...and it's wonderful! I've used it alot recently, editing tons of my favorite photos that I've taken. Some of you might have heard of the site, it's called Picnik. It is a free site, but for $24.99 a month you can use the "premium" features and upload 100 pictures at a time. So check it out if you're interested. :)
This is a photo that is my favorite piece from my first photography class I took. It was taken with a 35mm camera with black and white film and I developed it myself in the CCRI dark room. It's an overlay of two photos...and this was the first try which I got really lucky with! But I do have to thank my professor Adam Ryder, for teaching me how to create this effect. So I took a photo of the original and used Picnik to edit it.
It looks like he's looking through a magnifying glass and the cat looks like a black panther! Nice Pic! =)