Sunday, March 29, 2009

Art Show Names

A few people sent me their ideas for the name of our art showing...and since I know we want to get this going I will post them now. If anyone else has any more ideas or suggestions please e-mail me or let me know in class.

1. The Student Seminar Premier Exhibition
2. Knights Keystone Presentation
3. CCRI Student Fine Art Seminar Exhibition
4. Inaugural Fine Art Gallery
5. The Collection
6. Left Side
7. Thoughts of the Mind
8. The Works
Rate these from 1-8, one being the best. Again e-mail me, comment, or let me know tomorrow in class.

EDIT:: It's been decided in today's class that we are going with Fine Arts Seminar Student Exhibition.


  1. i sent you an email, of some names hopefully you recieved it>>

  2. After the discussion in today's class it looks like we're going with-
    Fine Arts Seminar Student Exhibition.
